Holiday Decoration Storage Ideas & Tips
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is over, and it’s time to put away all those holiday decorations. Are you looking forward to putting away all your holiday decorations or dreading the thought?
I’m looking forward to putting away all my holiday decorations. Not because I’m a Scrooge, but because I can’t wait to organize them! You see, prior to 2013, I didn’t put much thought into organizing my holiday decorations because our tree only had two main colors; red and gold.
Then last year, I changed our tree to blue and gold. Since it was a small change, I didn’t think to organize my ornament boxes and haphazardly threw everything into the same containers. Definitely NOT the best way to organize, which is probably why it took so long for me to decorate this year.
To help make next year’s holiday decorating less time-consuming, I’ve gathered some great holiday decoration storage ideas from fellow bloggers that recycle or use things you already have around the house.
General Holiday Storage Ideas
Find tips on storing and organizing all sorts of Christmas decorations.
Space & Waste Saving Christmas Decorations Storage Tips
Tipd on how to maximize space when storing holiday decorations and how to pack lots of items into storage containers.
Christmas Decoration Organization
Stroage container tips and how to store and group holiday decor.
Christmas Light Storage Ideas
Find inexpensive ways to organize and store Christmas lights. I like using Ziploc bags and twist ties to help organize my lights.
How to Wrap and Detangle Christmas Lights! -
UPDATE 12/27/2014 I did this and I'm amazed at how easy this is. The only drawback is that if you have small hands or long strands, it can be difficult to make the bundles.
Christmas Ornament Storage Ideas
I think ornament storage is currently my biggest challenge. I have a lot of unusually shaped fragile ornaments, so I wrap my ornaments in tissue and place into a large plastic box. Below are some ideas for custom ornament storage boxes that work for the basic round or non-fragile ornaments. Have you used any of these ideas or something similar for your ornament storage?
Some other tips I’ve seen for ornament packing material is bubble wrap, coffee filters, tissue paper, felt, and batting.
Wreath & Christmas Tree Storage Ideas
I have a Christmas Tree storage bag with wheels, but I thought these DIY tree storage ideas were clever. I really liked Thea’s sewn tree bag and might have to use her idea for making a wreath storage bag.
Holiday Decoration Storage Ideas & Tips
Site no longer up, but this idea is to wrap a tree in plastic bags or fabric and tie it tight for storage.
Store Small Tree in a Cement Tube
No longer on the site, but if you have a small tree, use a Quikrete cemet tube to storage a Christmas tree
Wreath Storage…Using a Coat Rack
UPDATE 12/27/2014 I covered our small wreath with a bag and stored flat in a box.

Christmas Tree Storage Bag 9 Ft - Rolling Christmas Tree Storage Box
Amazon affilalite link - I have this bag and it makes storage easy. I can roll it around and don't have to ask for help. The only downside is that you can't stack things on it as it's a soft case.
If you have a holiday decoration storage ideas or tips, please share it by leaving a comment below.
I already pack them in the storeroom. But I should bring out them to organize correctly to reuse next year.
Thanks for your helpful tips.
Wow….all the ideas are just awesome. Looking forward to using this. Thanks a lot for sharing such creative tips with us.
Another wonderful post! YOU ARE SO CREATIVE! I am always on the lookout for new organizational methods and decorating tips and you never cease to amaze me with all these awesome tips! Thank you so much for sharing, it is so wonderful to be able to find these light and refreshing posts on home decor!
Thanks for the good ideas!.. My favorite is the zip lock for lights- such a duh, why didn’t I think of that moment! I am happy to have found your blog via the link up with Katherine’s Corner et. al.
These are some great storage tips! I’m going to be putting things away this week. Sometimes I wait until after New Year’s, but once Christmas day is over, I’m pretty much done with the Christmas decor. I don’t use ornament boxes. I put collectibles back in their little boxes and the rest I store in plastic storage containers and individually wrapped in bubble wrap. I’m just lazy that way. 🙂
I used to keep the ornament boxes, but it gets kind of overwhelming after 17+ years of ornament collecting 🙂 The only ornaments I keep in the original boxes are the hand blown glass ornaments and the expensive glass ones. I wrap everything else in tissue and pack in plastic storage containers.
I’ve been itching to pack up stuff and get the house back in order. Like you, my ornaments were a bit of a mess.
My dh likes to wrap the light strands around discarded pieces of wood.
I finally have everything packed up, labeled, and organized for next year. Yay!
I thought about wrapping the lights around some cardboard, but decided to do the bundles and I’m amazed at how easy and small the bundles are.
I’ll try that! It would take up less space for sure.
Extremely useful tips – I don’t think anyone ever enjoys packing up all those decorations!
It’s not my favorite part of the holidays, but I do like the idea of being more organized in my packing this year.
Okay, I’ve got to say, the idea of just wrapping up the fully-decorated tree is looking pretty good right now LOL
I know right?! I don’t think this would work for me due to our delicate ornaments, but I thought it was funny and might work for those with plastic ornaments.