Brrr….it’s cold outside! So keep warm with these slow cooker winter drink recipes!

Slow Cooker Winter Drink Recipes

Ok, it’s not that cold in Southern California compared to other places in the world. But I’ve said it before, I’m a wimp when it comes to cold weather. I grew up in Hawaii and any temperature in the 70°F degree range is considered cold. So of course, this 30°F to 40°F degree Southern California weather is freezing for me and I try to keep warm with hot drinks. There’s just something so soothing about filling a mug with a hot drink and feeling the warmth of the mug against my hands. It seriously makes me a happy girl, so I’ve gathered 23 slow cooker winter drink recipes to help keep you and me warm this winter season.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”23 Slow Cooker Drink Recipes to try this winter season – ciders, wassails, hot cocoas, chai, and lattes. #drinks #slowcooker #crockpot #recipes” quote=”23 Tasty slow cooker drinks to keep you warm during the winter season.”]

23 Slow Cooker Winter Drink Recipes

Slow Cooker Winter Drinks 1

Slow cooker winter drinks

Slow cooker winter drink recipes - 3

Slow cooker winter drink recipes

Slow cooker winter drink recipes - 5

Slow cooker winter drink recipes - 6

Slow cooker winter drink recipes 7

Slow Cooker Winter Drink Recipes - 8

10 Days of Slow Cooker Recipes - Soups

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What we’re looking for this week for possible features on January:

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  • Home – Organization ideas, cleaning tips, printables
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