Ready for a New Year Organization Challenge? Here’s a round-up of challenges to help you get all tidy for the new year!

Wow, Christmas sure went by in a flash and the New Year is just around the corner! I don’t know about you, but I’m looking around at the house and seeing a whole lot that needs to be organized and cleaned. There are a lot of organization blogs that have checklists and daily clean up challenges, which is fantastic because it can really help keep you on track. So, I’m going to post links to some organization challenges from around the blogsphere that will challenge us to get our household organized for the upcoming 2014. Organization Challenges from around the blogsphere:
- 30 Kitchen Organization @My Pinterventures
- 21 Day Organization Challenge @Holiday Sparkle Blog
- 31 Day Organizational Challenge @I’m an Organizing Junkie
- Tons of links to organizing ideas for each room @IHeart Organizing
- Personal and Customizable Cleaning Lists @Money Saving Mom
- Organize Your Home in One Year @Delightful Order Blog
I’m starting with my kitchen because this seems to be the place that gets disorganized the fastest in our house. Plus, I tend to find extra containers during clean up that I can use in other areas of the house.
***These checklists are only helpful if you follow through and be brutally honest with the items that you keep, donate, sell, or toss. So choose an organization challenge that speaks to you and keep me posted on how you’re doing***