As a Craftsy affiliate, I was given the opportunity to take a complimentary craft course of my choosing. Today, I want to share my Craftsy online course review. What is Craftsy? It is an online community of crafters and some of the world’s best craft educators. I can’t tell you how excited I was. I had never taken an online craft course and had no idea what to expect.
First, I must say that I was surprised at the variety of online classes to choose from. I actually had a difficult time choosing which course to take. It was a toss up between the cooking, felt crafts, sewing, or cake decorating courses. I finally settled on “Fab Felt Holiday Crafts” with Betz White because I love anything made out of felt.
This particular online course had 8 lessons: Introduction, Snowflake Ornaments, Character Wine Sleeve, Poinsettia Brooch, Felted Wool Slippers, Gingerbread House, Felty Fir Tree, and Scrappy Garland. During the introduction, you’ll get a general supply list, types of felts being used, and a run down of the projects in the course.

Along with the video instructions, a downloadable PDF file is available with a detailed supply list and project instructions. This makes it easy to print out a supply list and written directions.
There is a also an “ask a question” button on the right of the screen. You can ask a question during the video or scroll through previously asked questions. The fantastic part is that the instructor will actually answer your question.
Below the video is a box where you can add your own personal notes to the course. This can be used to add your own thoughts or additional ideas.
Another great feature is the 30 second repeat mode. Using this mode, you can select a 3o second section of video to keep repeating until you are ready to move on. This is especially useful when you’re working on your project and following along.
Once I got use to navigating the course page, I chose to make an ornament from lesson 2: Heart Star Ornament. Since the majority of this course is geared towards Christmas, I chose to make the heart ornament for Valentine’s Day.
Betz’s videos are straight forward, easy to follow, and clear. She has a laid back style and doesn’t worry too much on things being perfect. My only complaint would be that she uses the word “um” a lot and that can be somewhat distracting. Otherwise, it was a fun class with a wide variety of felt projects.
After taking this course, I can highly recommend Craftsy online courses to any crafter.
Finished Heart Star Ornament, ready to display for Valentine’s Day.
What should class should I take next?
Wow, that is really neat! I had never heard of Craftsy 🙂
I love it. They even have tons of free tutorials and patterns too.