Today is an exciting and scary day all rolled into one! Why? Because I’m joining a few other bloggers for my first ever Craft Room Challenge…eek! You’re going to get a sneak peek into our messy craft areas and our goals to clean, organize, and decorate!Craft Room Challenge

Craft room challenge
This craft room challenge will take place over 5 weeks and our progress will be posted every Wednesday in January (This challenge was in 2018, but you can use this challenge to help you clean up your own craft space). Since this is week one, I’m sharing my embarrassing craft area. I don’t have a dedicated craft room, so my C.R.A.P. is basically shoved into two bookcase and spread over a tiny table that sits against a wall in the front room. Here’s a video of my area and what I’m dealing with….

Now, I know that some crafters work out of closets, so I shouldn’t be complaining about the space I do have. However, the real issue is that this room is open to the entire house. It’s the first area you see when you step in the house AND when you come down the stairs…yuck!

Craft Room Challenge Week 1 - Cleaning Surfaces

Craft Room Challenge Week 1 – Sharing Our Messy Craft Areas


  • Craft items are not grouped together and organized
  • Not enough functional storage area
  • Hard to find items in stacked unlabeled containers
  • Work area is too small
  • Storage for stencils
  • No task lighting


  • Create a large wall peg board to make items easier to find and organize
  • Add shelves for paint bottles (week 5 craft room reveal)
  • Create a place to store large stencils
  • Group similar craft items together
  • Create a larger craft table with storage
  • Place to hang/store stencils
  • Label containers
  • Add lighting

If you have a craft mess collection that you would like to tackle, we would love for you to join in and clean right alongside us. Follow us on social media by using #craftroomchallenge and #confessyourmess hashtags. Below are a few 15-minute mini daily challenges so you can get your craft area under control too! Now, come on! Share your messy spaces and progress with us so we don’t feel alone this month!

2018 Craft Room Challenge

Now let’s meet the rest of the messy craft room gang! Make sure you check out their spaces too! We all have different spaces and challenges, so you might find ideas/tips to fit your area!

Week 1 Craft Room Challenge - The Hosts' Messy Rooms

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  1. LOL well if nothing else, this makes us all feel good! I’m glad it’s not a group posting about their laundry rooms . . . when I see those I kind of feel very sad haha. Some of them are prettier than my living room! I’m fortunate to have a room in the basement with a door where my home office is at one end and my stamping/crafting at the other. I DID hang a curtain over that side when I began working from home so it looked better and hid all of my C.R.A.P. haha! Looking forward to getting ideas from this for sure.

  2. Good luck! I have totally been meaning to organize my home’s “craft” room. (Right now it’s part office, part guest room.) For starters, I want to get rid of the awful double bed in that room and put in a long table for crating and photography!