What’s going on…
This has been a crazy busy week so I’m so sorry if I don’t have a crafty, diy, or recipe post today. Today it will be more of a what’s been happening this week and what lies ahead kind of post. In fact, I’ll probably be a little scarce on the blog posts for the next week or so, but please hang with me until I get caught up on everything.
So here is what I hope to be working on next week…

My hubby and I have had this dresser sitting in the garage for some time now. It was a garage sale find and while it looks good from a distance, it actually has quite a bit of wear and tear on it. The right side of the dresser has a bunch of the finish rubbed off and the top has a circular area where the entire finish was removed. This will be my project for next week and hopefully on the blog the week after.
I’ve seen so many bloggers and DIY gurus talk about Ann Sloan paint and finally found a dealer near our house. I’m so excited to start this project and will be painting this bad boy black and the inside drawers/sides a red color. The hardware doesn’t come off, so I’ll have to tape these and hopefully shine them back up. Stay tuned for the results…I’m crossing my fingers that it comes out

Guess what this empty soda bottle is for? My youngest daughter has been asking for a fairy garden and I’m hoping this will become her house. Since we have a large empty pot, lots of things to recycle, and some plants…I think we can attempt to whip something up. I’m just hoping that what I have in my head will translate to real life. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
I’m also slowly working on some blog site changes, so please pardon me while I tidy up a bit. I’m currently working on cleaning up my party page and updating the parties that are listed. I also finally signed up on Passion Fruit Ads (no longer working) and will be working on that too. Actually, there is always a ton of stuff to do on a blog and I need to take some time to just tidy everything up. If you all have suggestions, please let me know how I can improve the blog.
Working on new party buttons for the Merry Monday Linky Party on Sunday and the new HTML coding. We have a new host, Nicole from Or Whatever You Do and I’m so excited to have her aboard. There are also three guest co-hosts this week, which will be a great help You’ll have to come and visit us on Sunday at 6pm PST to link up, visit others, and learn something new.
What’s happened so far this week…

I now have a bald dog. Okay, he’s not really bald, but look what happened! All his fluffly fur is gone Omgee! This is what happens when the hubby gives instructions to the groomer. Actually, I know why my hubby did it. Our dog is a mix of American Eskimo and a poodle and sheds quite a bit. I guess he was tired of all the shedding and told the groomer to shave him all the way down. I feel like such a bad doggie mom. He’s still cute though.
Our hamsters had babies!
Here is my Wednesday evening conversation…
Daughter: “Mom. I think my hamster had babies”.
Me: “What do you mean…you think they had babies?”
Daughter: “Mom! She had babies! I see small pink things and blood! She has blood on her.”
Me: “Okay, I’m coming upstairs.”
We didn’t even know she was pregnant because she was so tiny and showed no signs of being pregnant. The kids were so excited, but in my head I’m thinking…oh geez what are we going to do with more hamster and will mama hamster take care of them?
Well, we’re on day two and mama hamster seems to be doing a great job. The babies are so very tiny and are probably a little less than an inch long and are currently still blind and have no fur. Daddy hamster is now in a separate cage and won’t be joining mama hamster ever again…lol. We don’t want anymore surprises in the middle of the night, thank you very much!
I’ll try to update this with more pictures when the babies are out, but mama has them nicely tucked away in her nest.

I also tried out a new organic drink. Have you heard of klout? Well, it’s this site that gauges your social media “klout” and the higher your klout, the more opportunities you have to try new products. Well, I had the opportunity to try out this new organic alcohol drink called Vita Frute Cocktails by Veev. The company makes four organic flavors: Coconut Colada, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, and Lemonade. I ended up with the Vita Frute Cosmopolitan, which is a blend of cranberry juice and citrus. I must say that it packs a kick (I’m not a big alcohol drinker), but it was actually pretty tasty and you can taste the fruity notes. I would definitely buy more for parties and special occasions.
The only drawback is that it’s such a new product that it can be difficult to find in stores. My store had it on the very top shelf and had all the flavors behind each other in only two rows. I almost left without it since it was hard to find among the sea of liquor bottles. So, if you decide you want to give this a try, head on over to the Vita Frute site and see what stores carry it near you and really look for it
There you have it. Some of the things that I’ll be working on and what’s been going on this past week. What ‘s been happening in your week and what will you be working on?
Oh my gosh.. don’t laugh, but I am terrified of hamsters! But I scrolled down and actually “awww”‘d over that picture, because it’s extremely adorable
The kids will carry them around, but I won’t. Their little feet feel so weird, so I can totally relate…lol. I do love looking at them though
I had to laugh at your comments on the fur-baby! I am a fur-parent to four babies, a great pyrenees, a westie, a shih-tzu, and a chihuahua. Three of my babies get shaved down quarterly, and the reason? I was once told by our family vet that cutting their fur back periodically helps them get rid of toxins trapped on the hair near the surface of the skin. Since then,I look at it as a labor of love! Besides, my groomer always paints their nails, adds a bandana, and a box to keep the shih-tzu’s hair out of her eyes, so its like a spa day for my ladies!
You have lots of fur babies! Thanks for letting me know about the fur shaving. His vet has never said anything about that and this is the first time I’m hearing about it…that makes me feel better
You should post some pics of your babies 
The organic alcohol drink looks delish! I may have to go find that and try it to see if I like it! I also like the bottle Idea for the fairy garden, may have to do that with my nieces because they are in the phase of loving fairies.
It was a bit strong for me in the beginning and definitely has some kick, but I’m a light weight when it comes to alcohol…lol.
You should definitely do the fairy garden with your nieces. They would have so much fun and you can use things from around the house and garden to decorate it too. I’ll hopefully have ours on the blog this week.