Want to color Easter eggs a little differently? Try this variegated striped watercolor eggs technique.

Easter is near and I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of a more ‘adult’ way to color eggs. My kids are all grown up, teenagers to be exact, and the typical egg coloring just doesn’t cut it anymore. And then it hit me…watercolors! Ever since the watercolor trend started, my girls have been on the watercolor bandwagon. So it only made sense to get on board too and use watercolors to color Easter eggs.

I checked out Pinterest and tried out the watercolor flower technique, which wasn’t my best. I think you have to be a little skilled with this technique and I obviously have a long ways to go.
Next, I tried the free-form watercolor technique, but it still wasn’t right. So I played around with the watercolors a little more and came up with this variegated striped watercolor eggs that I LOVE! It’s super easy and no artistic talent is needed to create this look – win!
Variegated Striped Watercolor Eggs
- faux eggs (I bought mine at the 99 Cents Only Store/$1 for a dozen. I have also seen these at craft stores or Big Lots/$3 for half dozen.)
- watercolor palette
- water + small bowl
- paint brush (I used a small no.2 flat brush)
- clear acrylic spray (matte or shine)
- paper towel
- egg drying tray (egg carton)
How to Paint Variegated Striped Watercolor Eggs:
- Dip the paint brush into water and swirl the wet brush into the first color. I start with the darkest color and layer the lighter colors on top. I use a total of 3 colors in the same color family to create the variegated look, but feel free to use whatever colors you like to match your decor.
- The brush should not be extremely wet because the paint will drip down the egg. To prevent this, dab the tip of the brush onto the paper towel to remove some water/paint.
- Hold the brush so the bristles are vertical to the length of the egg. Start from the top of the egg and apply a stripe all the way down to the bottom of the egg. Continue to add stripes all over the egg. Do not worry about the stripes being perfect or even in color, we want the variation. You should get about three to four stripes with one dip in the paint.
- Place it in an egg carton to dry. Move on to the next egg until all the eggs have the first layer of stripes.
- Once the first layer of paint is completely dry, repeat the painting process with the second color. Make sure to add the second color between the first layer of stripe color.
- Again, place it in the egg carton to dry. Move on to the next egg until all the eggs have the second layer of stripes.
- Continue this process one more time with the lightest color and make sure all the white spots are covered.
- If needed, go back over any areas with paint to add more variation in stripes. Remember, do not use too much water/paint or it will remove some of the dried stripes. Let the eggs dry.
- Do not skip this – spray clear acrylic on the eggs. Let dry.
Now all you need to do is display your new Variegated Striped Watercolor Eggs!
What’s your favorite way to color eggs?
I just LOVE these! My boys and I try out a new technique for egg dying each year too and even though they told me they don’t want to dye eggs this year I’m hoping this idea will change their minds. Pinned.
This post was one of my featured favorites from the Welcome Spring linky.
Love these eggs! I think they all looked great even the flower ones!
Thanks Kimberly. My son liked the flowers one, but I like the stripes because they’re easier to make…lol.
Your Easter ideas are all gorgeous Erlene
I agree, the striped ones are great, but I like the other two, also! Thanks for stopping by Celebrate Your Story!
These turned out gorgeous! I love coloring eggs! Definitely need to try this.
It’s so easy and basically fool proof
These are so pretty Erlene! Where did you get your eggs? I would like to make some of these but don’t want to use real eggs.
Thank you so much Roseann. I bought these eggs at our local 99 Cents Only Stores, but I have seen them at craft stores too.
We are going to dye eggs on Friday and I always buy one of those dye kits and never do anything original. These turned out so pretty! I need to do some adult egg dying sometime and leave the kids to the dye kit! lol!