Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher

Don’t pass up those doilies at the vintage fairs. Buy them and create your own Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher.Recently, I’ve been MIA from the blog because my sister came to visit for my oldest son’s graduation. I love her to death, but she’s ummm…twenty years younger than me.

Okay, stop trying to calculate my age. I’m up there.

Anyway, our age difference can make it difficult to think of activities that we can do together. She’s at a different place in her life, however, the one thing we both love is crafting and vintage finds.

Lucky for us, there was a vintage fair open while she was here and we had the chance to attend. We were in vintage and handmade heaven! There were so many beautiful goodies, but it was the bohemian style dream catchers that caught our eyes. We loved the dream catchers so much that it inspired us to create our own vintage doily bohemian dream catchers with a few of the items we found at the fair.

Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher

Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher


vintage doily
lace tablecloth
painter’s cloth or fabric scraps
ribbon/lace in your chosen width + colors

fray check
metal macrame ring
hot glue
layered feathers
hemp cord

Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher Supplies
Not all supplies shown


Covering the hoop
Wrapping the metal hoop

  • Cut 1/2″ to 3/4″ wide strips out of the painter’s cloth.
  • Apply glue to the small edge of the strip and place it on the hoop.
  • Start wrapping the strip around the hoop, placing a dot of glue on every other wrap.

Add the lace
Sew vintage doily bohemian dream catcher

There are several ways to attach the vintage doily onto the hoop. For this dream catcher, I wanted to use lace from a table cloth to attach the vintage doily to the hoop.

  • Position the doily on the lace in an area that you like.
  • Sew the doily onto the lace with a simple whip stitch. I sewed along the inside circle and around the edges of the doily to attach it to the lace.

Bottom of the Dream Catcher
Cut ribbon

To create the bottom of the dream catcher, I chose to use strips of painter’s cloth, lace, and gold ribbon. I used lace, ribbon, and painter’s cloth strips that ranged from 1/4″ to 1″ wide. The cut length also varied between 32″ – 39″ long.

  • Cut strips of painter’s cloth, lace, and ribbon for the bottom of the dream catcher. I used a total of 16 strips – 3 painter’s cloth, 4 lace, 5 gold ribbon (one for the hanging loop) and 4 white ribbon strips.
  • Use fray check on the cut edges of the lace and ribbon to prevent unraveling.
  • Optional – to create the frayed edges on the painter’s cloth, remove a few vertical threads from the edges of the cloth. Then, run your hands up and down on the strip to fluff the edge.
  • Loop the 15 cut strips onto the hoop in a pattern you like and tighten.
  • Loop the last strip onto the top as a hanging loop.
Attach lace to metal hoop

Once all the strips are attached to the hoop, the lace/doily will need to be attached.

  • Flip the hoop over to the backside. Center the doily and lace on the backside of the hoop. Run a strip of hot glue over the lace and around the edge of the hoop. Let dry.
  • Cut the lace as close to the hoop as possible. Be careful not to cut any of the strips.
Glue feathers onto dream catcher
  • Glue feather stem onto the backside of a strip. Repeat this three times – one in the center and two on side strips.
  • Glue the end of the hemp cord onto the backside of the feather stem and wrap to cover it. Cut and glue down the end of the hemp cord.

Completed Bohemian Dream Catcher

Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher

The vintage doily bohemian dream catcher is now ready to hang. I’m so in love!

Vintage Doily Bohemian Dream Catcher

Here are a few other dream catchers that my sister and I created. I created a second beachy dream catcher while my sister created a smaller bohemian dream catcher.

What materials would you use to create a dream catcher?

More crafty ideas…

Giant Prosperity DIY Mandala Dream Catcher
Sea shell bottle with vintage doily

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  1. These are lovely. I’ve never seen anything quite like them before. I particularly love the all white ones. beautiful!

  2. This is awesome and it turned out so beautiful! Your pinterest creation definitely looks like it has been done perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful diy craft!

  3. I love seeing other people’s projects. I’m so bad at doing this stuff myself. It never comes out right! But I found a really cute one online and it goes so well with my daughter’s nursery.

  4. Umm, yes. I am allllll over this! They are gorgeous! I’ve always loved dreamcatchers since my brother would bring one home for me from every PowWow he competed at! But these… so girly and dreamy! Perfect for my new Master Bedroom ideas! <3

    Found you at Inspiration Mondays! Thanks for sharing! (I shared on FB!)

  5. Erlene, I love how pretty and girly these dream catchers are! Much prettier than the one I had hanging over my bed as a little girl. I want to make one for my daughter’s room now! Thanks so much for sharing this at Dream. Create. Inspire. Link. Have a great weekend and take care, Tara

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your incredibly creative project on our bowdabra Saturday crafty showcase!! Can’t wait to see your submission next week.

    Sandy Sandler

  7. Just popping in from the gallery wall link up. I have been looking into making one of these but did not know where to start. Now that I have directions I can not wait to make one. Thanks for sharing…

  8. SO awesome- I think we’re going to do this as a fun crafting day after my daughter’s bridesmaids tea luncheon soon. GREAT tutorial- thank you for the inspiration and information!

  9. I featured you lovely dream catchers at this week’s Submarine Sunday Link Party! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

    Navy Wifey Peters

  10. That’s beautiful, Erlene! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Savoring Saturdays! We’re taking this weekend off for the holiday – hope you’ll be back with us next weekend! 🙂 Happy 4th!

  11. These are beautiful! You did an amazing job with these. Thanks for visiting & linking up at Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday.
    Sarah-Ann @ Living Intentionally Simple

  12. Erlene, they are lovely! I’ve been looking for a vintage project with a Southwest feel to it! Pinned and shared! My oldest and youngest daughter are 12 years apart, they’re close, but one year , one was in K, and the other graduated High school. They do like spending time with each other, so glad you got to spend time with your sister! Thank you for sharing at OhMyHeartsieGirlWW! Have a beautiful week!

  13. Those are so pretty. What a nifty idea. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your sister.
    Saw you at Wordless Wednesday.
    Kristine 🙂

  14. What a fun craft to do with your sister! These look so beautiful, and it would be fun to do a wall display with a whole bunch of different crochet and lace designs for some SERIOUS decorating! 🙂 Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I have a ton of old doilies laying around that my grandmother made. What a creative way to display them! I love finding ways to repurpose old items that have sentimental value.

  16. The doilies and ribbons add a great touch to your dream catcher design – I would have them in my house anytime! Thank you for your comment on my dream catcher 🙂

  17. I’m glad you had the opportunity to spend some time with your sister. What a fun craft to do together. I LOVE Vintage doilies too and have been known to buy them at Estate sales. I might piggy back from this and frame some in embroidery hoops.

  18. Thank you for the thorough tutorial; I LOVE dream-catchers. I’ve been trying to one with string and get frustrated each time. I love these with the doilies.


  19. Oh, my gosh, you did a great job on those dream catchers! I really like the beachy themed one. The colors are so pretty! I bet your younger sister keeps you feeling younger, too!

    1. Thanks Alli. I like the beachy themed dream catcher a lot too. I’m thinking of using it for my summer mantel. Hmmm…having a sister so young can sometimes make me feel really old…lol. Although I do miss having her around all the time.