Soccer Head Safety

Note: The Storelli Exoshield Head Guard was specifically designed to provide protection against impact to the head and to reduce the incidence of cuts and bruises to covered areas. Although third-party testing confirms that the Exoshield Head Guard significantly reduces the force of impact to covered areas, there is no conclusive data showing that the ExoShield Head Guard prevents concussions, which can result from a combination of factors including, direct impact to the head.

Soccer Head Safety – Storelli ExoShield Head Guard

Soccer Head Safety Storelli ExoShield Head Guard

Six years ago, I decided to get my kids into soccer. As a mom, I have to admit that the possibilities of injury and bodily harm were taken into consideration when deciding on a sport (I’m a wimp when it comes to my kids getting hurt). Soccer seemed like the least one to worry about, but boy was I wrong! Who knew that six-year-olds could be so aggressive?! And now that my kids are in their teens, the game is more physical than ever! Thank goodness Storelli, the first brand devoted to head-to-toe soccer protection, is helping to promote soccer head safety with the ExoShield Head Gear.


Our soccer season ended a little over a week ago and as you can see in the picture above, it can get pretty physical. My son is wearing the #16 jersey and his teammate is trying to protect her face from impact – ouch! Looking at the picture makes me wish my son had the Storelli ExoShield Head Guard to protect his head this past season. I can’t tell you how many times the kids got a ball in the face or decided to head the ball. And now that the kids are older, their kicks have power and you can hear the impact of the ball on the head that is often followed by a yelp of pain.

But soccer head injuries can also happen with body and head-to-head collisions too. And according to a head protection report on the Storelli blog, 80% of men and 60% of women sustain head injuries from head-to-head soccer collisions and not heading. In fact, over 60% of varsity soccer players don’t even realize they have sustained a soccer impact concussion! That’s scary stuff, especially since untreated concussions can lead to nerve damage and inflammation for up to a year! So wearing a head guard is becoming an important piece of equipment to keep the game safe. Don’t believe me? Watch the video below ⇓

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Storelli ExoShield Head Guard Demo Video

 Storelli ExoShield Head Guard In Action – Soccer Head Safety

Storelli ExoShield Head Guard in action

At first, my son wasn’t too sure he wanted to wear something on his head during soccer play. He was worried about the look and feel, but changed his mind after watching the Storelli ExoShield Head Guard video. He loves all things military, so when he saw that it was made with military grade foam, he wanted to test the head guard in our backyard.

To test the head guard, he had his sister toss the soccer ball in the air several times to test the absorption. He said that there is significantly less of an impact felt when heading the ball with the Storelli head guard than without. Overall, he liked the performance of the head guard and lightweight feel of it. His only wish was there was a beanie cap version of this. What can I say…he wants his soccer head safety gear to be fashionable 🙂

Interested in getting your own Storelli soccer head safety gear? Now is the perfect time to gear up for the soccer season because Storelli is offering FREE Shipping on orders over $75 to the USA.

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  1. a great idea, because every sport has its risks and football is no different, now I will be more calm when my son goes to school … thanks for sharing

  2. Nice gear to protect kids playing soccer

    this will keep us parents from worrying too much each time the play soccer game
    Thanks Erlene for the review

  3. This is so smart! Soccer has always made me nervous when it comes to my kids because of the lack of padding (and I’ve seen how hard some of the hits and falls can be during the game). This is such a great way to combat head injuries!

  4. This is perfect for athletes! I’m glad there are stuff like this these days to help easy a mom’s worry when it comes to their kids playing sports. You can definitely see that it’s reliable!