It’s time for another #MovieMondayChallenge, hosted by C’mon Get Crafty! We decide on a topic, genre, or specific movie to use for inspiration and everyone gets free reign to create something wonderful! This month’s challenge was Romance and I chose the movie 13 Going on Thirty as my inspiration movie for this scrunchie tutorial.

Scrunchie tutorial - 80's throwback trend

If you aren’t familiar with this movie, it’s a romantic comedy about a thirteen year old girl, Jenna, that makes a birthday wish to become a 30 year old woman. Jenna is growing up in the 80’s and jumps forward to the early 2000’s, so there are quite a few 80’s references throughout the movie, hence my how to make a scrunchie tutorial (you can see it in the movie too).

If you have kids and grew up in the 80’s, you probably noticed how quite a few 80’s trends are coming back (cross your fingers that not all of them come back). Denim jackets, ripped jeans, male ponytails, smiley faces (emojis), leggings, pegged pants, and scrunchies! Yes, scrunchies have been seen on many celebrities – JLo, Selena, Bella Hadid, and more! So let’s get to it and learn how to make a scrunchie!

How to Make a Scrunchie Tutorial

The great thing about making scrunchies is that it’s a great way to use up fabric scraps or repurpose old clothing into something new.

scrunchie tutorial supplies


  • 1/4″ elastic cut to 8″ lengths to twist around normal hair twice (I cut a larger elastic in half for this demonstration, but I don’t recommend this as the elastic will fray. Also, if your hair is super thick, cut the elastic up to 9″- 9.5″ long))
  • fabric cut 3.5″ x 20″
  • scissors
  • thread to match fabric
  • sewing machine
  • iron
  • saftey pin
  • fabric pen or something to mark your fabric
  • ruler
  • sewing pins


Pinning the scrunchie fabric

  • Measure and cut elastic and fabric. (I cut a wid elastic in half for this demonstration, but I don’t recommend this as the elastic will fray.)
  • Fold the fabric in half lengthwise with the right sides of the fabric together to form a tube. Pin together.
  • Fold over one end of the tube about 1/2″ and pin to hold in place.

Turning the scrunchie fabric inside out

  • Sew down the length of the fabric tube with a 1/4″ seam.
  • Remove the pins.
  • Pin the safety pin on one end of the tube and push it through the inside of the tube. Gather the fabric down the safety pin to turn the fabric inside out.
  • Optional- Press the tube in half to remove fabric wrinkles.

Pulling the scrunchie elastic through the tube

  • Place the safety pin on one end of the elastic and thread it through the tube.
  • Remove the safety pin and tie the ends together or overlap the ends and sew them together.

Sewing the scrunchie closed

  • Put about 1/2″ of the unfolded end of the tube into the folded end of the tube. Pin the ends together.
  • Sew down the pinned ends.

scrunchie in Bree's hair

Now get your ponytail on and cover that ugly rubber band with your new scrunchie!

Now let’s see what everyone else was inspired to create for this month’s #MovieMondayChallenge!! If you’d like to join our Facebook group, you can request an invite here.


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  1. Scrunchies were one of the first things I ever made for myself as a kid, I love the idea of them coming back in fashion.
    13 going on 30 is such a great film, the Thriller dance scene is brilliant!

  2. I’ve seen a lot of scrunchies, but didn’t know how to make one. Thanks for the tutorial! What a cute show (I watched the trailer). Looks like I need to see that one!

  3. I guess I’ve come back in style again… lol. I’ve always worn scrunchies to keep my hair swept up and off my face. You’ll only see me with my hair down when we’re going out somewhere for the evening or in photos.

  4. I definitely rocked the scrunchie as a kid! And yes, please don’t let ALL of the 80s trends back, lol! I have never seen this movie, but it looks super cute!

  5. Great idea, and such a great memory of the 80’s. This is a fun movie too, don’t we all wish we could rewind to being a kid after learning a thing or two? Thanks for the great idea.

  6. Confession time! I still have a whole bunch of these scrunchies from the 80’s because I knew they would eventually come back in. Can I call them vintage! Nice, easy tutorial. I should make some for my granddaughter.