Thank you so much for joining me in this blog hop today! I’ve teamed up with 11 other extremely talented bloggers to share our Easter crafts on a budget. Each of us was given a budget of no more than $10 and challenged to create an Easter inspired craft using items from the dollar store or dollar section of our local stores. If you have any budget-friendly Easter crafts to share, please add it to the link-up at the bottom of this post so it can be seen on all of our blogs!

 Meet the Hosts!


Chelc from Inside the Fox Den

Amanda from The Kolb Corner

Tiffany from Arrows & Awe

Marie from DIY Adulation

Kim from Made In A Day

Erlene from My Pinterventures

Valerie from Val Event Gal

Emily from Small Stuff Counts

Shirley from Intelligent Domestications

Sherry from Olives ‘n’ Okra


DIY Giant Easter Carrots

DIY Giant Easter Carrots

Today, I’m sharing a super easy Easter craft made from items found at the Dollar Tree stores – DIY Giant Easter Carrots. I’ve seen tons of fabric Easter carrots all over Pinterest and have always wanted to make my own version, so this Dollar Store Easter Craft Blog Hop gave me the perfect opportunity. All you need is a few basic craft tools and $6 worth of Dollar Tree supplies.

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Supplies – Items in blue were bought at Dollar Tree:DIY Giant Easter Carrots Supplies

  • styrofoam cones – 3x or the amount you want to make
  • green raffia
  • orange tablecloth
  • poster board (optional)
  • scissors
  • glue gun/hot glue
  • pen
  • ruler


DIY Giant Easter Carrots template


  • Create a string compass to measure 9.75″. 
  • Create a large circle on poster board with the string compass. Should measure about 19.5″ wide. 
  • Use the circle template to trace a circle onto the table cover and cut out. A large circle can also be drawn freehand.

Prep styrofoam cone

  • Use the tip of the scissors to make a 1″ wide x 1″ deep hole on the wide end of the styrofoam cone. 


  • Put the tip of the cone onto the center of the round table cover. I wrapped two with the wrong side of the table cover facing out and one with the right side facing out. 
  • Add glue into the hole. Pleat and press the table cover into the glue.
  • Repeat the above step until all the edges of the table cover are pressed into the center of the cone.

DIY Giant Easter Carrots finishing

  • Unravel the raffia and cut a 4″ long bunch.
  • Add glue into the hole.
  • Press the raffia into the glue. Let dry. 

DIY Giant Easter Carrots

That’s it! The Moss Bunnies are ready to dine on their DIY Giant Easter Carrots!

 Get Inspired!

Looking for more budget-friendly Easter crafts? Visit these blogs for their creative ideas!

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  1. I would NEVER have thought to use a dollar store table cloth for that but those are adorable and go just perfectly with your moss bunnies. So clever. Pinned.

  2. Ciao, una grande idea per realizzare delle semplici a simpatiche carote. Un’idea in più per decorare la casa per Pasqua.
    Grazie per aver partecipato al mio Linky Party Buona Pasqua.
    A presto

  3. I love those giant carrots – so creative. I don’t think I have seen any of these on Pinterest; maybe I was not looking. But they definitely will make for some great Easter decor. I particularly that you can use them on the dinning table, mantel, in a basket, etc.

  4. Very clever craft Erlene and super cute!
    I always enjoy your creativity. I got a little scared there for a moment when you said make a compass, flashbacks of math!