2015 Ornament Exchange

It’s the 8th day of the 2015 Ornament Exchange and we’re kicking off the second-week with more fabulous ornaments! If you missed the first few days, you can visit the all of the ornament tutorials and holiday inspiration here. We’ve already shared over 25 ornament tutorials and several super fun shopping trips.

For this ornament exchange, over 80 bloggers were partnered together and given a budget of $10 to swap handcrafted or store bought ornaments. So, if you’re looking for some holiday ornament craft tutorials or ornament inspiration, you’ve come to the right place! You’ll be amazed at what these talented ladies did with $10 and a little creativity.

2015 Ornament Exchange Day 8

Day 8 and brings us 5 more fabulous ornament tutorials and one special ornament pick!

[Tweet “Day 8 – 5 ornament tutorials & over 25 holiday ornament inspirations on the 2015 #ornamentexchange.”]

DIY Glitter OrnamentAmber from Amber Downs shares her super simple DIY Glitter Ornament. You can make this using any color glitter to add sparkle to your tree.

Tis the season ornament
Keala from Recipes for a Sweet Life shows us how she created this wood and paper ornament and even provides the printable too!

Gold Ornament

Karen from Dragonfly and Lily Pads created a gold ornament for her exchange partner by adding various golden branches into a clear ornament.

A primitive Christmas

Amy from Mama’s Journey shares a love of primitive ornaments with her exchange partner and she shows us the special primitive star ornament she picked.

DIY Marbled Ornament

Timisha at Toolbox Divas shows us how to make Marbled Glass Ornament…something I’ve always wanted to try! Love how she used several shades of blue to create this marbled effect.

Find more fantastic ornament inspiration by heading over to the 2015 Ornament Exchange page to see all the participating bloggers or click on the images below to visit each individual day.

Ornament Exchange Day 1

2015 Ornament Exchange Day 2

ornament exchange day 3

Ornament Exchange - Day 4

2015 Ornament Exchange- Day 5

2015 Ornament Exchange - Day 6

2015 Ornament Exchange Day 7

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