What do you do with leftover flour tortillas? Make Nutella Peanut Butter Banana S’more Burritos!

Nutella peanut butter banana burritos

Every. Time. I buy tortillas, I ALWAYS have leftovers. It’s probably because whenever I make filling for tortillas, one or more of my kids will eat it with rice. I tell ya, the rice force is strong in this house. Anyway, I needed a recipe that would use the leftover tortillas before they spoiled (hardened) and that’s when I remembered a video from Facebook about making tortilla s’mores.

The tortilla s’more video on Facebook was more like a wrap that was pan fried in butter and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. It looked so good, but I also had two overripe bananas, a jar of Nutella, and peanut butter that was screaming to be used. And since all of these things are a great marriage in a sandwich, I figured it would be great thrown into a neatly wrapped burrito too!

[click_to_tweet tweet=”A quick and easy summer dessert – Nutella Peanut Butter Banana S’more Burrito! #smore #nutella” quote=”Use up leftover tortillas to make S’more Burritos!”]

Nutella Peanut Butter Banana S’more Burritos

Okay, first things first. Don’t over think this. Just add in what you think looks good. Measurements don’t have to be exact and items can be substituted or omitted to fit what you have on hand. For example, don’t have Nutella, use mini chocolate chips. Don’t like peanut butter, leave it out. You get the picture, so let’s proceed.

Nutella peanut butter banana s'more burritos filling

On the lower third of the tortilla, add marshmallows, Nutella, peanut butter, crumbled graham, sliced overripe bananas, more Nutella/peanut butter, and mini marshmallows.

Tip: Place the mini marshmallows so that they end on the outside of the s’more burrito. This ensure it will get heat from the pan to melt and get gooey.

Tip: If the tortillas are brittle, warm per package directions.

rolling the s'more burritos

Bring the left and right side of the tortillas in and begin rolling it closed to form a burrito.

Pan frying the s'more burritos

Next, melt about 3 T. of butter in a small microwavable bowl (this is enough for 4 -5 s’more burritos). Dip a pasty brush into the melted butter and swipe it across the bottom of a pan over medium low heat. When the the pan and butter are heated, add the s’more burritos, seam side down into the pan. Brush butter all over the outside of the s’more burritos. Turn the s’more burrito when it turns a golden brown. Keep rotating and turning the burrito until all sides are golden brown, about 5-6 minutes total.

Tip: Do not walk away, as the tortillas can quickly burn.

Nutella peanut butter banana s'more burritos

Let cool slightly, serve, and enjoy!

FYI – If you can’t eat all of the burritos, you can keep them in the fridge for up to 2 days and just reheat in a toaster oven/oven on 300°F until warmed through. It will crisp right up again!

Nutella Peanut Butter Banana S'more Burritos

Nutella Peanut Butter Banana S'more Burritos

Yield: 4
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 21 minutes

Fill up a tortilla with bananas, chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers for a fun take on a smore's dessert.


  • 4 large 10
  • 1 overripe banana
  • 1 1/2 - 2 cup mini marshmallows
  • Nutella
  • natural peanut butter
  • graham crackers
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter


    1. Melt butter in a microwavable bowl. Set aside. Cut a banana in half and then cut it half again lengthwise. One banana should give you enough to make 4 s'more burritos. Set aside. If tortillas are brittle, heat per package directions to make pliable.
    2. Place a flour tortilla on a plate and add 1/4 cup of mini marshmallow on the lower third of it. Add 1 tsp. of Nutella and 1 tsp. of peanut butter over the marshmallows. Crumble 1 entire graham cracker over everything. Place one cut banana on top of the graham crackers. Add another teaspoon of Nutella and peanut butter. Top with just enough mini marshmallows to cover the banana. Bring the left and right side of the tortilla towards the center and begin rolling the tortilla to cover the fillings and to form a burrito.
    3. Heat a pan over medium low heat. Dip a pastry brush into the butter and swipe it across the bottom of the pan. When hot, place the s'more burritos, seam side down, into the pan. Brush the entire outside of each burrito with butter. Turn the tortillas when it is golden brown. Continue turning and cooking until all sides are golden brown, about 5 -6 minutes.
    4. Let cool for a few minutes and serve whole or cut in half. Optional - drizzle with chocolate syrup.


  • Feel free to adjust or omit add-in measurements to your taste.
  • Don' t have Nutella, use mini chocolate chips.
  • Keep leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days. Reheat at 300°F until warmed through.

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