a2 Milk disclaimer

I think we all know how important breakfast and after school snacks are for our kids. The first meal sets the tone for the rest of the day and after school snacks help to fill the hunger gap until dinner. That’s why this year, I plan to fuel my kids’ back to school days with a2 Milk®.


What is a2 Milk?

It’s not a copy of milk made from beans, nuts, grains, or anything artificial –  a2 Milk® is REAL milk from a2 producing cows from New York and the Midwest! In case you missed my posts about my personal switch to a2 Milk® earlier this year, you can read about it here. I made the switch to a2 Milk® earlier this year and I’m so happy that I did. The a2 Milk Company™ did their research and found that ordinary cows’ milk contain two proteins – A1 and A2. In an independent study, the A1 protein was shown to be the cause of tummy issues in 1 out of 4 Americans, yet only 5 – 7% are clinically diagnosed with lactose intolerance*. If you fall into this group, switching to a2 Milk® may be the change you need to help you enjoy milk again.

*a2 Milk® contains lactose, so it is not recommended for those that are clinically diagnosed with lactose intolerance. If you are unsure, please consult your physician.

a2 Milk breakfast closeup

Why start the day & end the day with a2 Milk®?

I have four teens that LOVE to stay up past bedtime, sleep in late, and wait until the very last minute to get ready for school. A lot of times this means the mornings can get hectic and breakfast meals need to be quick and easy to prepare. Foods like cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, and homemade waffles, which are all made or eaten with milk, are some of their favorite go-to meals to eat before being shuttled off to school. Starting the day with a breakfast that includes a2 Milk® ensures that they are getting the nutrition they need to fuel their bodies and minds for the long school days. And while only one of kids has tummy issues like me, I know that the rest of my kids with enjoy the benefits of a2 Milk® too!

a2 Milk® contains approximately –

  • 6x the amount of calcium as soy beverages
  • 8x the protein of almond beverages
  • 6x the potassium levels of rice beverages

glass a2 Milk®

After school poses another meal issue – my teens ALWAYS come home starving and in need of a snack! I try my best to strike a balance between sugary treats and healthy options, so including a glass of a2 Milk® with their after school treat ensures they get a drink fortified with vitamins A and D, is antibiotic free, and growth hormone or rBST free. Of course, all the benefits of a2 Milk® would be worthless if it didn’t taste good, but because it tastes like natural milk, the way mother nature intended, my kids LOVE drinking it!

Where to buy a2 Milk®?

Where to find a2 Milk

Are you ready to make the back-to-school a2 Milk® milk switch? You can find the only certified pure a2 protein milk in the USA in the dairy aisle at many health foods or local grocery stores. Use the a2 Milk® store locator to find a store near you! 

What is your favorite way to enjoy milk?

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  1. Never heard of a2 milk but would be a great switch for me. My son on the other cant handle lactose that good. So if they sale half gallons or even smaller, I would definitely buy it for myself.

    1. This has lactose, it’s the A1 protein in regular and organic milk that has been shown to cause tummy issues in 1 out of 4 people. I noticed a difference when I switched, but I am not clinically diagnosed with lactose intolerance.

  2. I have never heard of this kind of milk. I have ulcerative colitis and am very familiar with stomach issues. Would love to try it and see it helps. Thanks!

  3. I’ve never heard or saw this kind of milk before but is sounds really interesting. I think we could use more protein. I will look for this the next time we are at the grocery store.

  4. We love milk but one of the kids developed a dairy allergy! That is such a hard thing to navigate around and it is so hard to make sure she gets all of the nutrient and vitamins she needs. We are hoping she grows out of it….

  5. I have heard of a2 Milk, but have yet to try it. I think we will next time I stop at the grocery store. I’m not a huge milk drinker, but my kids definitely are and I really like that it offers more calcium and protein than traditional milk!